Friday, September 27, 2013

 In this project I had to take several pictures of my subject from top to bottom to get the panoramic effect on photo shop. Before I started taking pictures I had to find an area I wanted and figure out if I wanted to do a vertical shot or a horizontal shot. As you can see I choose vertical. I set my camera on the tripod and use the handle to move the camera up and down to get straight vertical shots. I had to open photo shop and browse the photos in bridge. Pretty much photo shop does all the combining for you. This project wasn't as hard because it was very simple and easy when you have the directions out in front of you and if you follow along. It was a success to get this photo done but I wish I had taken more shots so my photo can have the more panoramic effect. Next time i will get closer to my subject and do less movement to get more shots. 

1 comment:

  1. i really like the idea you had going on here. I admire the fact that you tried the vertical panorama instead the horizontal like most other people. I do think that the image is a little over exposed and the press box would have looked better with more contrast to it. Other than that, this is a good photo!(:
