Tuesday, October 22, 2013

For this project we did HDR which stands for High-Dynamic-Range. HDR makes your photos look more realistic almost as if you were there, it brings out more colors to your photo. I had to pick a subject as you can see I chose the tree and the sky, I had to take at least three different pictures in different levels/different lighting of the subject. I had used a tripod to hold my camera still and  I had to angle the camera up. What I didn't notice when I took the pictures was that my photos were very blurry, and sun spots had came out in the photo. After taking my photos I had to upload my images on photo shop, the editing part was a bit difficult changing the levels around to get a perfect look, what made it more difficult was that my photo was blurry. When editing you want to make sure your photo doesn't look too fake, you want it too look as realistic as possible. I wasn't quite happy with the results of this project. Next time I wont let the light expose in the camera for so long. I did like how clear the colors came out and the color tones of the green in the trees and the sky.

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