Tuesday, October 22, 2013

For this project we did HDR which stands for High-Dynamic-Range. HDR makes your photos look more realistic almost as if you were there, it brings out more colors to your photo. I had to pick a subject as you can see I chose the tree and the sky, I had to take at least three different pictures in different levels/different lighting of the subject. I had used a tripod to hold my camera still and  I had to angle the camera up. What I didn't notice when I took the pictures was that my photos were very blurry, and sun spots had came out in the photo. After taking my photos I had to upload my images on photo shop, the editing part was a bit difficult changing the levels around to get a perfect look, what made it more difficult was that my photo was blurry. When editing you want to make sure your photo doesn't look too fake, you want it too look as realistic as possible. I wasn't quite happy with the results of this project. Next time I wont let the light expose in the camera for so long. I did like how clear the colors came out and the color tones of the green in the trees and the sky.

Friday, September 27, 2013

 In this project I had to take several pictures of my subject from top to bottom to get the panoramic effect on photo shop. Before I started taking pictures I had to find an area I wanted and figure out if I wanted to do a vertical shot or a horizontal shot. As you can see I choose vertical. I set my camera on the tripod and use the handle to move the camera up and down to get straight vertical shots. I had to open photo shop and browse the photos in bridge. Pretty much photo shop does all the combining for you. This project wasn't as hard because it was very simple and easy when you have the directions out in front of you and if you follow along. It was a success to get this photo done but I wish I had taken more shots so my photo can have the more panoramic effect. Next time i will get closer to my subject and do less movement to get more shots. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Double Exposure

To accomplish this photo you need a self portrait or a photo of someone else and combine it with another realistic photo. You need to be able to see some of your face as well as the background. To start with project you need to take a photo from head to shoulders in front of a plain white background. As soon as you have completed that step you download your photo to photo shop. I had only understood the first step which was to combine the photos together in one layer after that i was confused. I used the video Mrs. Young had showed us as a guide and it was very helpful. The hardest part was finding an image the same size as your portrait. What was easy was to copy your photo onto your background photo. The process overall was a little challenging for me but I made it through. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

About Me

My name is Bianca Monique Calderon I am 17 years old, I was born April 29th 1996. I'm attending at Orange Glen High School as a senior. As a hobby I love to bake Brownies, Cupcakes, Cheese Cakes, etc. I also enjoy to play softball, I'm currently playing in a team for softball at Kit Carson Park, we are the "Legends."  During my free time I like to go out and take photos, I don't own a cannon camera so I use my phone, I like to take pictures of nature that surrounds me. Also during my free time I like to find new music, I mostly enjoy listening to R&B music, one of my favorite artist is The Weeknd.

I have set a few goals for myself this year and planning ahead for after high school. I plan to graduate this year with at least a 3.0 and higher GPA, I am working on that goal by getting my work done, getting ready for my test ahead of time I am also planning to take a few hours of my free time to use the library when needed. I am looking forward to graduating with my class in 2014. My plans after high is to go to an arts institute to continue working with photography, I want to become a professional photographer for weddings. I have many options out there and still looking.

Junior year is when I first fell in love with photography, I had taken photo 1 with Mrs. Young and I have taken a lot from her class such as angles, rule of thirds, shallow depth of field, broad depth of field, panning, light painting, etc. Before taking her class I thought photography was as simple as just clicking a button, but there was a lot more than that and there is more to come this year in photo 2. Now as a photographer I see my world differently, I notice more things that are around me, and what I live in, it's a great opportunity to view things that way as a photographer, you have greater options.

This is a picture I have taken from my phone: